Globalization Partners


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Globalization Partners

Globalization Partners (G-P) is an Employer of Record (EOR) which provides cloud-based platforms for businesses to recruit, manage the payment of international employees without needing to set up an entity legal in every country. This helps companies reduce time and costs in compliance, payroll and other HR-related tasks.

Services offered by G-P are:

  • Hiring and Onboarding: G-P can help companies hire and find employees across 180 countries. They also manage all the paperwork for onboarding, such as visas, work permits and background screening.
  • Benefits and payroll G-P handles payroll and benefits for employees who are international making sure they comply with local laws and regulations.
  • HR Compliance: G-P stays up-to-date with the most recent HR compliance laws and regulations for each country in which they operate. This allows companies to avoid costly errors and fines.

G-P is an established partner to many companies which includes Fortune 500 companies. G-P has a satisfaction rating of 96 percent.

Here are a few advantages of G-P

  • More global expansion speed: G-P can help businesses hire and integrate international employees swiftly and efficiently. This lets companies grow into markets quicker and more effectively.
  • Cost reduction: G-P can help companies cut costs on payroll, compliance and other HR-related tasks. This will free up funds to invest in growth opportunities.
  • Risk reduction: G-P’s expertise in HR compliance can help businesses avoid costly mistakes and hefty fines.

Globalization Partners (G-P) operates as an Employer of Record (EOR) that acts as a legally-authorized employer for businesses that wish to employ and manage workers from other countries without establishing the legal entity in the respective areas. This allows companies to expand internationally without the hassles and lengthy procedures associated with establishing and managing legal entities in every country.

Here’s a brief description of G-P’s operation:

  1. The company initiates the hiring process: A company interested in hiring foreign employees Contacts G-P to communicate their needs and requirements regarding location.
  2. G-P assesses needs: G-P’s experienced team examines the company’s requirements and examines the local labour market, and then determines the most effective arrangement of employment in accordance with the laws of the country and the company’s requirements.
  3. G-P becomes the employer of record G-P is now the legal employer of international employees, taking on all responsibilities related to employment, including onboarding payroll taxes compliance, benefits administration and compliance with local laws regarding employment.
  4. The Company Handles Strategic Management: The company’s focus is on the management of its business operations and its strategic growth while G-P manages day-today HR management and compliance for its international employees.
  5. G-P Continues to Maintain Global Compliance G-P’s staff is kept up to date on the constantly changing local regulations for employment and makes sure that all practices for employment and payroll processing conform to the requirements specific to every country.
  6. streamlining global expansion Through a partnership with G-P businesses, they can recruit and manage international employees effectively, speeding up the global expansion of their business and easing the administrative burden of the establishment of legal entities in several countries.
  7. Reducing Risk and Costs G-P’s experience in global employment compliance allows companies to stay clear of potential financial and legal risk, while optimizing benefit and payroll expenses.
  8. Flexible Solution to Growth As the company’s global workforce expands G-P’s global reach and know-how can be seamlessly adapted to accommodate teams that are growing and ensure compliance at new places.

In the end, Globalization Partners serves as an experienced partner who helps bridge the gap between businesses looking to recruit global talent and challenges of navigating various laws and regulations for employment across different countries. Globalization Partners’ Employer of Record model simplifies the process, decreases risks, and allows businesses to focus on their main business activities while G-P assures smooth global expansion and full compliance.

Global hiring with a partner such as Globalization Partners (G-P) can be a simple and effective process. This is a brief outline of the steps involved:

  1. The company initiates the hiring process: The company seeking to recruit foreign employees, contact G-P for a discussion of their specific requirements and the locations they want to hire.
  2. G-P Evaluates Needs: G-P’s team of experts assesses the company’s requirements and examines the local labour market, and then determines the most effective arrangement of employment in accordance with the laws of the country and the company’s requirements.
  3. G-P acts as the employer of record G-P becomes the official employer for international employees, and assumes all obligations related to employment, which include onboarding and payroll administration the administration of benefits, compliance with tax laws and compliance with local laws regarding employment.
  4. The company Handles Strategic Management: The company is focused on managing its business operations and its strategic growth while G-P manages the HR administration that is day-to-day and compliance for international employees.
  5. G-P Maintains Global Compliant G-P’s team is constantly updated on the constantly changing local laws governing employment and ensures that all practices for employment and payroll processing conform to the particular requirements of each country.
  6. A Streamlined Approach to Global Expansion Through a partnership with G-P companies, businesses can employ manage, pay, and manage employees from abroad efficiently, accelerating their global expansion plans and lessening the administrative burden that comes with the establishment of legal entities across multiple countries.
  7. Reduced Risk and Cost Savings G-P’s knowledge of global employment compliance allows companies to protect themselves from potential legal and financial risks while maximizing pay and benefits costs.
  8. Flexible Solution to Growth As the global workforce expands G-P’s global reach and experience can easily adapt to accommodate teams that are growing and ensure compliance at new places.

G-P’s Employer of Record model streamlines the process, lowers risk, and allows businesses to concentrate on their primary business activities while G-P assures smooth global expansion and compliance.

  • Global expansion
  • International recruitment
  • Outsourcing of payroll
  • HR compliance
  • Global workforce management
  • Employees is boarding
  • Administration of benefits
  • Global HR solutions for Human Resources
  • Globalization Partners
  • G-P
  • World’s No.1 global platform for payroll
  • International business
  • Global growth
  • Multinational corporations
  • Overseas expansion
  • Market entry strategy
  • International job search
  • Internationally recruiting
  • Global talent acquisition
  • Expat relocation
  • Compliance with immigration laws
  • International payroll
  • Global Payroll Management
  • Payroll compliance
  • Payroll services
  • Software for Payroll
  • Global HR compliance
  • International HR rules and regulations
  • Compliance with employment law
  • Compliance with data privacy
  • Tax compliance
  • Global workforce management solutions for managing the workforce
  • Management of the workforce for multinational companies
  • Global mobility
  • Global talent management
  • Global HR strategy
  • Onboarding of employees for hires from abroad
  • Global Onboarding Process
  • Employee onboarding best practices
  • Software to help onboarding
  • New hire orientation
  • International Benefits Administration
  • Global Benefits Solutions
  • Benefits for employees of multinational companies
  • Compliance with benefits
  • Communication benefits
  • Globalization Partners review
  • Pricing for Globalization Partners
  • Globalization PartnersAlternatives
  • Top global payroll firms
  • International HR outsourcing firms

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